Friday, September 11, 2009

Thankful.....sent to Angie on 9-11

On the way to work this morning, i heard the song by Maroon Five - don't know the actual name of it....i think it's "She will be loved" but the lyrics go:

See the girl with the broken smile,
ask her if she wants to stay a while -
and she will be loved....she will be loved.

another part says "i want to make you feel beautiful....."

Well, you know how certain songs are linked with certain memories and you just can't get them out of your head? Or your heart? Like Somewhere over the rainbow....
every single solitary time i hear the first notes of that song, a smile comes across my face and memories just flood....i re-live the engagement party every time i hear that song....that moment will always be embedded in my mind, in my heart..... and it just makes my heart SMILE so big....

Well, that maroon five song makes me oh so hurts everytime i hear it and this morning, i was trying to turn that around....

One day, right after the break-up - and it was at a time when Chase was just devastated and i was so worried about him - so worried about Addylou.....we got Addy for a day or a weekend....i can't even remember what the occasion was - but we were in the car after picking her up - just me and papa and Addylou. Shawn got her a keyboard for Christmas i think it was and she had that keyboard in the car with her. I remember she was dressed in pink - and i am crying right now just remembering....back then she didn't smile much - she was very very quiet.....and she was scared and sad and it was written all over her little spirit. So here was this little, was she 3 then or 4 - i can't remember....but here's this precious little angel, sitting in her little broken, so sad..... and she keeps hitting the button on that keyboard and those words come out...over and over again......."see the girl with the broken smile - ask her if she wants to stay a while - and she will be loved....she will be loved." It breaks my heart. I am sitting here at my desk just crying.....those words make me feel what Addison was going through....makes me feel what Chase was going makes me remember the heartache, the loss....the fear, the insecurity....


Then came along a precious angel named Angie.....and Addison IS so very loved.  Her little heart has turned around and oh what a happy child she is!  Thank you, Angie, for the difference you have made in their our lives.....for mending our hearts together even stronger than we ever thought they could be. I love you sweet girl!