Chase…..our second born. What a bundle of love was delivered to us 37 years ago today! Little did we know the joy this one would bring into our lives. He was in a HUGE hurry to get here - my water broke at exactly midnight - December 16th happens to be my momma's birthday too - we called my momma and daddy and told momma "happy birthday me maw - you are going to share a birthday with your grand baby!". We bundled Shawn up in his PJ's and met momma and daddy on the curb in front of their house - i could tell this labor was different from my labor with Shawn (which BTW took ALL day) and knew this sweet baby wasn't going to wait long to meet the world. As Michael zoomed down 30 toward Baylor, he kept saying "do your breathing….do your breathing!" I kept telling him "you better hurry!!!" "Where is a cop when we need him?" We arrived at Baylor and i couldn't even walk…..they wheeled me into a room and the little nurse said to me"you are really hurting aren't you? - How far apart are those pains?" - "non-stop" was my answer. She decided to check me and when she did she said "oh my…..i can see the head! let me get your doctor!!" Michael left to park the car and when he came back, with his paper in hand, thinking it was going to be a long night…..the nurse threw scrubs to him and said "if you want to welcome this baby into the world, you better get dressed and get in there!" - Luckily he made it and as Dr. Lawley delivered our baby - and he had predicted a baby girl - he saw Chase's head and said "oh my…..this sure doesn't look like a girl baby!" - Ian Chase Corley came into our lives in the early morning of December 16th, 1976. He was in a hurry to arrive and he's been on the go ever since! Slow to talk….slow to walk….even SLOWER to potty train - but oh my gosh, what a LOVE. He never met a stranger…..and people would turn and stop just to talk to the little blond curly headed boy. No hair at first - just fuzz - until he was 2…then golden locks that turned white at 2 and 3…and the prettiest blue eyes - a personality that just drew people in. As my daddy used to say "the boy could work a room"! Just a precious boy - SO sweet and compassionate. Even at an early age, he cared so deeply for others - totally upset when he went to school one day and saw one of his friends wearing a shirt we had in our garage sale….going deeper into why, he found out the boy didn't have much and was devastated…..wanted to give his toys etc to the little boy. He took his allowance, two or three different times, and bought me gifts. One time it was coffee mugs (and i still have them) and another time he brought me the most beautiful "diamond" earrings and pin - they are HUGE - and yes, i still have them….cherish them because they are from the sweetest little boy's heart. He did love his momma! That little boy was all little boy….much like HIS little boy Hayden…..he loved everything boy and action figures found a special place in his life…..all the star wars guys…..they magically became football players - he could hold one in each hand with his fingers on their legs in a certain way that could make them run…..and oh how many "football" games did that little boy have! He never sat on the potty alone…..he always had his action figures with him - you could walk by the bathroom, see those little feet dangling from the potty and an action figure running loops around the air….and the sound…..oh the sound that he would make - it was the crowd roaring as touchdown after touchdown scored =) - i can still hear him…..and the crowd ROARS…..
As he grew older, you would find him with pen and paper drawing football plays……must say too, THAT continued into his adult life! I would imagine if you look around his office today….or in the basket in the bathroom, you might find a play or two written on paper! He has loved football most of his life…..started playing when he was 5 and continued even after college. How much fun did he bring to our family playing sports. I can remember once when he was about 5th grade, he was playing baseball….it was a tournament - went into extra innings and they were still playing after midnight…..sweet memories because i can still see my sweet momma and daddy, standing by that fence, yelling for all they were worth. I don't' remember who won…..Chase would know….but i know we sure won with the sweet times watching the boys play ball. His famous words "okay, I am going to play d team….but then i am going to quit football……well, okay, i am going to play at Agnew….but then i am going to quit football……okay i am going to play JV….and then not too long into JV they moved him to Varsity - then onto North Texas. I can remember Michael's daddy and my daddy making the trek to the stadium at MHS and then onto to UNT…..i would hold daddy's hand and pray the entire game! Chase was an awesome little QB…..he had an arm like nobody else! What fun he had playing and the friendships on his high school and college team are still strong today. That last game of his Sr year…..he was the last one out of the field house……it was SO hard for him to give that up. Many tears…..but oh what fun times we all had! He sowed some wild oats when he got to college! Orange, hair….evicted a few times "and i just don't understand why" - he would say…..well, wonder if it had something to do with the 300+ people he had coming to his parties? I will never forget the time we went to his spring game…..Michael and sitting in the stands and we kept looking for Chase - all the QB's were on the front row of their warm ups and Chase wasn't there…..we hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks - talked to him weekly - but we just kept looking and looking and then our eyes fall down to the fence in front of us. There stood this guy, helmet in hand, with ORANGE hair, waving for all he was worth - biggest grin on his face. "oh MICHAEL i said….it's so UGLY!!!" - found out later he was on the phone with Jenn while dying his hair and forgot about it…..hence the orange tint….oh and the "drips" that went down in the back were really attractive too! Chase has always been such a gentleman….always opening the door for others…..quick to aid someone in need. We taught him to be compassionate and helpful, but much of this much have been part of his nature too. Always his teachers said they wished they had a room full of Chase's =) High School to College….His marriage…..then the birth of his sweet daughter Addison Lane….Oh my goodness… see your son as HE becomes a father - it was the sweetest thing ever. One day shortly after she was born he called and said "mom…..she looked me straight in the eye and i can't explain the love - i am a DADDY" - and oh what a daddy…..hands on from day one - changing diapers, playing down in the floor….making everyday things so much fun. Addy adores her dada…..even when she was two and three, if we were out eating somewhere, if she needed a diaper change - later on if she needed to go to the bathroom - it was her daddy that took her. They have always had the sweetest relationship. I see so much of Chase in Addy…i pray she continues to have his traits in her as she grows…..his dedication, his faith, his beliefs……his kindness….his making sure everyone is taken care of. I hope she follows in her daddy's footsteps. The divorce was devastating and i have never seen Chase so distraught - he lost weight….he was just so over taken by sorrow and grief and disbelief of it all. I worried so about my sweet son….oh and that precious Addison Lane….it was such a horrible time for all of us. As i look back, I see God working in Chase's life even in that time of deepest sorrow. God used that time to chisel away and mold and make Chase more like Him. Deep down i knew God would send someone into Chase's life…..this momma prayed and cried and prayed and cried for a precious woman to come into Chase's life….someone with a precious heart - someone that would love Chase and LOVE God - so that they could grow together in their faith. God answered this momma's sweet prayer in a girl named Angie…..Chase dated a few girls, but he kept coming back to this one named Angie…..he would tell me about her heart and how she was the sweetest girl he had ever known……it didn't take him long to know Angie was sent by God to be his wife…..and she brought with her two sweet gifts - Audrey and Haley…..this sweet family became his - how thankful we are…..a wedding in Cancun, and then comes a little boy named Hayden to complete this precious family! My heart overflows as i look back and see how God has blessed this little boy named Chase…..and in doing so - what blessings He has bestowed on us. I am so thankful for you Chase Corley……as i write, tears flow freely because i can't quite understand where all the years went! Wasn't it just yesterday you were padding down the hallway in footed pi's with your brother…..ready for Christmas morning? Now you get to experience that…..and my greatest Christmas gift is that you share that with us! WE get to wake up with your family and Shawn's and watch the Christmas spirit on those sweet little faces! You are precious in our lives sweet boy… matter how many birthdays come and go, you will always and forever be my little boy. Sometimes i see a look on your face, usually as you are playing with Addy or Hayden….and it takes me back. Of course it's hard not to be taken back when that little boy running circles around Mimi looks JUST like you at that age!
I love you Chase.….how thankful i am that that day when you were 8 - you wrote me that note that said "momma, last night God told me it was time to be saved but i was scared to say it" - (i still have that note!) how thankful i am that you love Christ…..that you are growing with Angie in your faith….that you both are training up your children to love Him too. God has blessed me…..i don't deserve even a glance from Him, but He has given me the SWEETEST gifts in you and Shawn and your families……i love you to the moon and back my son. Happy day to you today….thank you for all the sweet days of our lives with you…..thank you for being the son, the brother, the husband, the father, the friend that you are to us all. I pray God's richest blessings on your life…..I pray His hand upon you, guiding you…..i pray you hear His voice ALWAYS and that you follow Him all the days of your Life.
You are precious and loved dear sweet boy…..dear sweet son.
All my love, mommasita
Monday, December 16, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Last night we had the pleasure of attending Haley's Homecoming Game. It was a fun night and Haley was crowned Junior Princess at the game!
What a beautiful princess she is! Even tho the temp was nearly 100 degrees, Haley was calm and collected....and oh so beautiful.....i think what makes her so very beautiful is that her beauty starts from the inside.....she has the sweetest heart and to know Jesus lives there - well, Mimi couldn't be any happier! The presentation was at half time and then she changed and it was back to cheering on her team.
It's always fun to be with family.....i think as a Mimi, one of the things that makes my heart just overflow is when one of the grandkids sees me and they just come runnin'......Avery and Addy have always dropped whatever was going on and they head for Mimi.....Haley always makes a bee line for me too....melts my heart when she does that! Well, then along comes our little man.....or should i say the
"lady's man" -
That's Quinn, Jason and Hil's daughter, by his side in the pink skirt.....LOVE the look on her sweet face - the way her hands are folded in her lap.....such a little beauty!.....and i had to laugh out loud when i looked over and saw little man squeezing his sweet self right smack dab in the middle of the "dirls"! He was Quinn's little shadow for much of the game. He does love the "dirls"!
Little Hayden Michael is such a love - and it melts my heart SO much whenever he sees me and he runs for me......tonight at the game - in the stands, they got there a little was the first time i had seen Angie's momma in a while so i was make the out hugs.....and i feel this little tug....i look to my side and see this little man looking up at me - grinning like crazy, his sweet little presence, just waiting to be discovered.....can't wait to say hello to his Mimi.....
He always finds me.....and i can't even say how it makes my heart just overflow. I am SO very thankful for my kids....for my grandkids....God's gifts are truly so sweet.....Thank you Lord for placing these precious souls in our lives. My 3 kids, my 5 grandchildren, my extended family - Michael and I full to the brim with blessings upon blessings.
Thank you Lord for loving us like You do.....and for this precious family that i love so much!
What a beautiful princess she is! Even tho the temp was nearly 100 degrees, Haley was calm and collected....and oh so beautiful.....i think what makes her so very beautiful is that her beauty starts from the inside.....she has the sweetest heart and to know Jesus lives there - well, Mimi couldn't be any happier! The presentation was at half time and then she changed and it was back to cheering on her team.
It's always fun to be with family.....i think as a Mimi, one of the things that makes my heart just overflow is when one of the grandkids sees me and they just come runnin'......Avery and Addy have always dropped whatever was going on and they head for Mimi.....Haley always makes a bee line for me too....melts my heart when she does that! Well, then along comes our little man.....or should i say the
"lady's man" -
That's Quinn, Jason and Hil's daughter, by his side in the pink skirt.....LOVE the look on her sweet face - the way her hands are folded in her lap.....such a little beauty!.....and i had to laugh out loud when i looked over and saw little man squeezing his sweet self right smack dab in the middle of the "dirls"! He was Quinn's little shadow for much of the game. He does love the "dirls"!
Little Hayden Michael is such a love - and it melts my heart SO much whenever he sees me and he runs for me......tonight at the game - in the stands, they got there a little was the first time i had seen Angie's momma in a while so i was make the out hugs.....and i feel this little tug....i look to my side and see this little man looking up at me - grinning like crazy, his sweet little presence, just waiting to be discovered.....can't wait to say hello to his Mimi.....
He always finds me.....and i can't even say how it makes my heart just overflow. I am SO very thankful for my kids....for my grandkids....God's gifts are truly so sweet.....Thank you Lord for placing these precious souls in our lives. My 3 kids, my 5 grandchildren, my extended family - Michael and I full to the brim with blessings upon blessings.
Thank you Lord for loving us like You do.....and for this precious family that i love so much!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Melting my heart.....
I spent the day with Angie and Haley this past Wednesday - shopping, lunch - then went back to the house and babysat while she and Hay did some things for i was leaving, in his tshirt and diaper, Hayden followed me out to the car.... Angie is saying "Hayden, come on.....Mimi has to go - he goes right to the car and stands there - with his back to us....We are both talking to him, but he stands there....not a word......Angie had to come and usher him toward the house.....he turned around and without saying a word, walked up the steps - both Angie and I calling his name - Angie telling him to tell mimi saying "hayden, i love you" - but he walked slowly to the front door, never looking back - when she got to the door, his lower lip was out and he was POUTING big because he wanted to go home with me........UGH......had i not had Meals on Wheels the next morning i would have gathered that sweet boy up and taken him home with me! Then late wednesday night, Angie sent text to see if i could possibly come out Thursday night too and sit because she was overwhelmed with PTA meetings and Poster Pics for the cheerleading squad - she was in charge - and Chase had just informed her that he was leaving yesterday morning for Austin on business.....
well, of COURSE i went! Another chance to spend some time with Addy and Hayden! .....these times don't happen often!
so as i walk in the door, Addy runs to give me a hug and here comes Hayden fast as lightening around the staircase to give me a hug and then he looks up and says "why use here adin?" Angie looks at him and says "What Hayden?" and again he says "Whys hers here adin?" (why is she here again?) - we finally decipher it and i bent down and said "oh honey, i wanted to come and see you and Addyboo again" - he looks at Angie and says "i don't want hers to leave" - oh my gosh, i just melted......Angie looked at him and said "you don't want Mimi to leave again?" and he said "NO!" - .....melted my heart! How precious that he wants to spend time with us! God, what a gift these grandchildren are in all of our lives.....thank You Lord for the gift of them! Please help me ALWAYS to be the kind of Mimi they want to be talk share me ALWAYS to magnify you in MY life so that they will know You and LOVE You......
Another cute thing on the Wednesday outing......Angie let a friend - Mattie - sit with Hayden while we were shopping......Mattie LOVES Hayden, and Hayden loves her! When we get back to the house, Hayden is napping.....Mattie says she hates to leave because right before he went to sleep, he was wanting to play a game and she said they could play when he got up from his nap. She went ahead and left - Angie and Hay left and it was just Addy and I there with little man. As we are playing cards at the table, we hear something......going to discover what it was, sure enough Hayden was "hiding" on the couch in the living room.....i go and gather him up in my lap and hug him big - he gets his face really close to mine and says "where's my girlfriend?" - i said "oh Hayden, she had to leave.....he said "i thought hers come adin" - i thought it was so cute that he doesn't call her Mattie....he calls her his girlfriend.....well just a bit later, i see he only has on a diaper - i said "Hayden - where are your britches?" - he gives me this weird look - "where are you shorts buddy?" - he doesn't say anything for a while but in few minutes comes back up to me and says "my girlfriend took em off!" Oh little man.....can we bottle you up and keep your sweet precious words and spirit? My blue-eyed little melt me.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Audrey, Haley, Addy, Avery and Hayden,
You are God's precious treasure.
So very precious.
He also has treasure for you!
Receive the treasure He offers you.
The treasure of Jesus.
Nothing compares to Him! He will never leave you or forsake you. You will never be alone. He holds you in His hands. I entrust you to him, you are His, not ours.
Forgive me. I know I am not patient. At times my words can be harsh and my temper gets the best of me. God is working on me, and I promise to continue to grow in Him. He is creating a work in me. I pray He protects you from my shortcomings and my growth process. Oh, how I long to be a Mimi who is already complete in my wisdom. But, until Heaven, when we will all be perfected and will all act perfectly, I will keep running forward and doing my best for Him in this crazy race of life. What a blessing to get to run this race with your Papa as my husband (he is SO wonderful) and Shawn and Chase and Angie as my children and with the five of you as my precious grandchildren. You bring me SO much JOY! God is only getting started with you, this is only just the beginning! He has so much for you. His way truly is the only way and it is my prayer every day that EACH of you accept His saving grace, ask Him to live inside your hearts, and that you grow in Him all the days of your lives.
Follow Him. Keep His commands. Accept His forgiveness.
Have patience while He completes his work in you and don't give into Satan's lies. He will tell you that you are not good enough. He is a liar, a deceiver. Fill your mind with God's truth about you so you can discern when Satan is trying to trick. He is sneaky. Watch for his craftiness BUT BY NO MEANS BE FEARFUL of him.
Our God is so powerful and so much bigger. Get to know God's promises and cling to them, to Him, for He is truly awesome.
I love you all to the moon and back,
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
My New Year's Eve.....2013. So, what a crazy way to start the New Year!
Michael and I have had the flu....been so sick with fever and chills and aches - full fledged flu. Thought maybe we were starting to be on the mend yesterday thankful for a fever free afternoon. But then, last night. As my head hit the pillow and i snuggled down to sleep, a sound came from my vocal cords.....deep down in my was like a symphony down there.....all kinds of nosies and they were LOUD.....It almost sounded like people talking - and even when i tried really hard not to breathe, they made noise! I guessed that it was kind of like wheezing and turned to the other side thinking a turn would do the trick - well heck no.....the conversation continued with all these wheezing people. I added more pillows, i took pillows away, i turned to the right, i turned to the left......i tried to look straight at the ceiling and be SO still.....oh NO......the wheezing symphony just got louder and louder. I got up and moved the a chair, thinking Michael could probably hear it all commotion and it would keep him awake - sitting up didn't even help. I guess when the wheezing people made Hayden's "ooowweee owweee owweee" sound he makes for his ire truck.....when that happened, i just had to laugh out loud. So not only did i see in midnight.....i saw every minute thereafter! No sleep for me last night. I am just praying the wheezing symphony is over by tonight. I am just whooped.
Michael and I have had the flu....been so sick with fever and chills and aches - full fledged flu. Thought maybe we were starting to be on the mend yesterday thankful for a fever free afternoon. But then, last night. As my head hit the pillow and i snuggled down to sleep, a sound came from my vocal cords.....deep down in my was like a symphony down there.....all kinds of nosies and they were LOUD.....It almost sounded like people talking - and even when i tried really hard not to breathe, they made noise! I guessed that it was kind of like wheezing and turned to the other side thinking a turn would do the trick - well heck no.....the conversation continued with all these wheezing people. I added more pillows, i took pillows away, i turned to the right, i turned to the left......i tried to look straight at the ceiling and be SO still.....oh NO......the wheezing symphony just got louder and louder. I got up and moved the a chair, thinking Michael could probably hear it all commotion and it would keep him awake - sitting up didn't even help. I guess when the wheezing people made Hayden's "ooowweee owweee owweee" sound he makes for his ire truck.....when that happened, i just had to laugh out loud. So not only did i see in midnight.....i saw every minute thereafter! No sleep for me last night. I am just praying the wheezing symphony is over by tonight. I am just whooped.
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