Audrey, Haley, Addy, Avery and Hayden,
You are God's precious treasure.
So very precious.
He also has treasure for you!
Receive the treasure He offers you.
The treasure of Jesus.
Nothing compares to Him! He will never leave you or forsake you. You will never be alone. He holds you in His hands. I entrust you to him, you are His, not ours.
Forgive me. I know I am not patient. At times my words can be harsh and my temper gets the best of me. God is working on me, and I promise to continue to grow in Him. He is creating a work in me. I pray He protects you from my shortcomings and my growth process. Oh, how I long to be a Mimi who is already complete in my wisdom. But, until Heaven, when we will all be perfected and will all act perfectly, I will keep running forward and doing my best for Him in this crazy race of life. What a blessing to get to run this race with your Papa as my husband (he is SO wonderful) and Shawn and Chase and Angie as my children and with the five of you as my precious grandchildren. You bring me SO much JOY! God is only getting started with you, this is only just the beginning! He has so much for you. His way truly is the only way and it is my prayer every day that EACH of you accept His saving grace, ask Him to live inside your hearts, and that you grow in Him all the days of your lives.
Follow Him. Keep His commands. Accept His forgiveness.
Have patience while He completes his work in you and don't give into Satan's lies. He will tell you that you are not good enough. He is a liar, a deceiver. Fill your mind with God's truth about you so you can discern when Satan is trying to trick. He is sneaky. Watch for his craftiness BUT BY NO MEANS BE FEARFUL of him.
Our God is so powerful and so much bigger. Get to know God's promises and cling to them, to Him, for He is truly awesome.
I love you all to the moon and back,