Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memorial Day

The Frisco family headed to Cedar Creek Lake with friends to celebrate.  We had a quiet holiday - Friday night, Rockwall Square for music and wine.....Kim and Ron, Sue, Doris and Will - fun night and Shelby was playing.  Sunday, we had Cindy and Steve over for burgers and Rumikub - nice little afternoon we had there.  Then Monday, Shawn and Avery came over.  We had lunch at Pier 101, back to the house for vacation planning and games.  Supper time rolled around and as i asked about heating up left overs, Shawn commented "i just love coming over here" - that made me feel so good.  I still love on them through food....it's always been a huge part of my love language....thanks to my precious momma....and it still is today.  Avery and i made bruschetta for appetizers and then we had left overs for dinner.

I sure do love cooking with and for my family.

We are just so blessed.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Sticks with names....

Oh my goodness.....what a week it's been!

While Angie and Chase experienced Grand Cayman for the first time....

Papa and I got to experience being parents again for a week =)
At first, that job was very daunting....for this 66 year old, it's really been a while since i've "Parented" - but we were both anxious to settle in and spend some one on one time with Addy and Hayden.
Every time we do this, i come away with an added sense of awe of Angie and Chase....and all that goes into raising these precious kids.
I headed to Frisco on Friday and left papa at the house.  We had roof issues and he needed to be there.      So it was just me and Hayden that Friday night.....Hayden had a baseball game on Saturday afternoon....they got slaughtered.....but it was a beautiful day and Kyle and i enjoyed watching them play.  Not sure Hayden is really into the baseball thing....i think it's so hard for him.  The problem he has with his leg hurting keeps him from really being able to dig in and run - and really get into the game.  I don't think he loves it like his daddy did.  He sure looks cute in that uniform though....SO reminds me of Chase.

After the game, i packed Hayden for overnight and we headed to Rockwall to spend Saturday night with Papa.   We had fun watching movies - Paddington was his first choice and it was the cutest movie.  Then we found another movie - the BFG - aka The Big Friendly Giant.  Mimi found it and decided we would at least start it and see what it was like.  Oh my goodness.....total boy movie.  Lots of crude things in that movie - one of which - the green brew with the bubbles that go down instead of up.  Think about it.  When we drink something with bubbles - the bubbles that go UP - what does it do?  It causes us to burp.  Well, this giant has a green brew and the bubbles go down....and what happens with bubbles that go DOWN?  LOTS of passing gas.....and that little boy.....he had us rewind that part and play it over and over.  We laughed SO hard!  When we got to Frisco, he had to pull up that movie and show Addy that part....and we had to rewind it again....THEN when momma and dada got back from Grand Cayman? I got a call when we got back home - face time - "Hey Mimi, you know what we forgot to show momma and dada?  The DOGS!!!  So as Hayden sat in Chase's lap and they fast forwarded to the "passing gas" part, i got to watch too, via Face time....and it made me giggle to see his dada chuckle at that part - AND then rewind it to see it again.  That little boy is ALL boy and i guess with that reaction from his dada, it just goes to show that there's ALWAYS a little of the "boy" left - even in dadas!
While still in Rockwall, we had lots of walks and collected LOTS of sticks.  This little boy loves sticks.....he has a pile at our house - AND an even bigger pile at his house in Frisco.  He names each stick and can tell you exactly where he got it.  The sticks become weapons and each one has a special property about it that makes it special.  How i loved having time to hear the stories....and the long walks we had in our neighborhood.....each time he would "protect" me while i ran to the supply huts (mailboxes) for more supplies.  I was always the keeper of the new sticks he found along the way too.  And OH we found some good ones!  I sure hope he will always remember fondly the walks and talks!
On to Frisco - excited to get there and get to spend some time with Addy too.  So we bundled up Sammy and we headed to Frisco.  I often wonder what goes through Sammy's mind when we go back to the Frisco house.  He seems to fall right back into life there - just like he never left.

We got all settled in and then the week started.  Getting baths each night, hair washed, books read, TRYING to get him to bed on time - up early, lunches made, breakfast fed, morning hair "tamed", dressed and school ready by 7:20 - Mornings are crazy but we did a pretty good job i think!  Each day we were on time (thankful for Papa's taxi service to school!) On Monday we picked Hayden up and then on to get Addy.  Hayden couldn't wait to see his sissy - he waited on the hill for her...
"I see her Mimi!  Here she comes!"
They have the sweetest relationship.....they fight like crazy but love just as much.  
It's so good to spend time with Addyboo.....that first night i made lasagna, salad and garlic bread....knowing it was one of her favs.  She's so quiet....getting moments to have one one one talks with her is rare, but i so love that time.  She has the SWEETEST heart....and she is always saying "thank you Mimi".  This morning a picture popped up on my FB page.....momma and daddy were at our house and holding Addison....she must of been about 3 months old.  My momma was grinning from ear to ear seeing her - it sure brought back the sweetest memories!  We got to keep Addy often when she was little - as both Farrah and Chase traveled quite a bit.  Oh those times....i look back at those pictures of that time often.....and just grab on to those memories of that precious baby girl.  She's all grown up now!  Quiet, respectful, beautiful, kind, funny - just so blessed by the gift of Addison Lane Corley.
That first Monday night, Addy had Young Life - and they had something called "color wars" - as she walked out the door with papa to take her, i had no idea what "color war" was.....and then she came home hours later....

GREEN from top to bottom!  She had paint from head to toe....and her SHOES.....oh my gosh, her SHOES.  BRAND NEW SHOES!  Covered in green paint!  I thought i would never ever get them clean and i pictured a green Addy headed to school on Tuesday.  Up she went to shower and she came down clean as could be.  I sprayed the shoes - every inch of them - with spray wash and tossed them in the washer.  To my surprise, they came completely clean.  As we talked that night, i noticed a "green"tint on her neck.  Sure enough....paint still there.  It came off with a little scrubbing.  But then as she walked out the door the next morning - down the front steps as papa was taking them to school - i see dark green on her heels......i mentioned it, but she said she scrubbed it hard and it wouldn't come off.  I think it's still there =)
The breakfast casserole was a hit....with Addy AND with Hayden.  I actually had to make two while there.  I cooked most every night - and enjoyed it so much in that brand new kitchen of Angie and Chase's.  Goodness, it's a chef's dream.  (If i could only quit going to the pantry to throw trash away!).  Addy and i played Rummikube - Kyle joined us and beat the socks off of us that last Friday night.  Was so nice though, playing on the patio....beautiful weather - sweet time.  So during our stay, lots of "Henry Danger" and "Kid Danger" - snakes Hayden wanted to keep - even though it was dead....trampoline time and "stick" shows - teaching Mimi the "floss" - 

Coke floats, pizza on Friday night.....bedtime stories (and i can't BELIEVE how well this little boy reads! Even the BIG words!) nighttime prayers, walking Sammy, hearing short clips of Addy's day and then long details of Hayden's day....that little boy has so much to share! - checking on the birds every morning and every night.....secret hiding places....playing "hide and treat".....movies and green bubbles that go down.....artwork that amazes me from a boy who is 7.....praying dogs and our brown eyed girl - just being with her.....laundry and lunches and bedtimes and schoolwork, stories, movies, and time- SWEET TIME - this week was special and i am so thankful for the time spent with these two.  Love them more than life.....
blessed by the gift of them.  Hoping for times like this with Avery, Hay, Aud, Todd and Matthew too. My grandchildren and my great grandchildren are gifts from God.  I am so very thankful for each one!  
BREATHING in......