Sunday mornings sometimes Shawn goes and plays golf. This last weekend, he and Chase played in a tournament. On those early Sundays, we are blessed by having "Avery Days".
I picked her up around 9:30. We always go to Starbucks first thing. This time though, I saw an "Estate sale" sign on the way to get her and we spent quite a time driving around Lakewood looking for this estate sale. It's one of her very favorite things to do....which reminds me of a story....
When she was little bitty.....probably 4 or so, Shawn called at the last minute one day to see if Avery could stay with us for the afternoon....."did we have anything planned" - we did, but as we LOVE spending time with our grands, we told him YES and that we would take her with us. It was a thing we did every Sunday back then. We would look up Estate Sales - Michael would do a map - and we would go to all the sales in the big and fancy homes in North Dallas. I loved seeing the homes as much as I did looking at all the things for sale. Anyway, we told Avery we were going "on a treasure hunt". We pulled up to the first house and as we were getting out of the car she tells me "Mimi, I been to this before! This isn't a TREASURE hunt!" Her little face was all crumpled up into a frown. But I grabbed her hand and we went in. I reached in my purse and gave her 3 dollars. I told her it was time for her to hunt for her treasures and told her look around....there were SO many treasures! Well, that little girl didn't take long....she comes running up to me with a little cat figurine and a book - "I found treasures Mimi!!" Oh my goodness, she was SO cute and the person taking money started adding things up and it was more than her 3 bucks.....I started to grab money out of my purse and the lady says "oh no....those are treasures....and they are YOURS". As we headed out the door, Avery goes "Mimi, are we going to look for MORE hidden treasures?" She couldn't wait! So Michael plugged in another address into the GPS and off we go. Our GPS talking as we drive along, telling us where to turn etc. From the back seat I hear "Hey Mimi, who is that?" "That's Loretta! She tells us which way to turn and helps us find our way to the next hidden treasures". Avery is confused - "how does she know?" I went into a long explanation of satellites and beams and GPS and in the middle Avery goes "Mimi, does Loretta live in heaven with God?"
So that began the love of estate sales for Miss Avery Grace Corley! But we found the estate sale in Lakewood last Sunday and we had so much fun walking through and looking at things....searching for treasures. We didn't find treasures there, but the day for me was such a treasure. We cooked lunch together.....we played Rummikube and Hand and was just a sweet day with such a sweet girl.
The week before she came over too.....We had an Avery Day. I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend and asked Avery to go with me. We went into Macy's and on purpose I parked so we would go through the Junior Department on the way.....she had an upcoming trip to Michigan and I wanted to buy her an outfit for her trip. But NO.....she wouldn't look at ONE thing. She told me "Mimi, I would much rather get something that someone else has already worn and loved" - Thrift shops are her thing now! That day Shawn came to pick her up and we sat outside and watched the sunset....listened to music under the gazebo....we saw a tarantula by the alley....and then as we were sitting outside, she screams and runs. He had made his was up to our gazebo and went through mine and papa's chairs!!! The sunset was beautiful....but the spider not so much! Well, really and truly the tarantula was so beautiful too....just scared the bejeebers out of us!
She's told me for the last few birthdays, that all she wants is a day with us. We go shopping and I let her pick things out - that way I will know she loves them. Well, she told me for this upcoming birthday, she wants a day.....lunch and a day to go to estate sales and thrift shops! Oh my little girl....she's my hippy girl now =).
I love her so very much and I love the time I get to spend with her. She and her papa can talk for hours about the craziest things too. I really do think she thoroughly enjoys being with us.
I can't wait for Avery and Addy's Camp Mimi. I am praying we can work it in before they start back to school!
Love my time with my grands. It's the sweetest time EVER. Blessed beyond measure!
So I just noticed I didn't blog about Avery's birthday celebration.....
Sometimes I forget about this blog.....I have lots of pics and lots of videos, but I want this on the blog too.
Avery Grace.....Oh my goodness, my old soul. Political, driven, creative, beautiful inside and out, compassionate, conscious of the environment, competitive, talkative, speaks her mind.....honest, oh my Avery Grace, our beautiful little gift. We had such a fun day celebrating you! you've made me crazy though with your eggs, no dairy, all vegan and oh how this Mimi used to love making special things for you. It's hard now....but sometimes I try. For Hay too....gluten free....some things we have had to throw out, but it's fun trying. Lucky for us they have vegan bakeries that make beautiful cakes!
A special day celebrating a very VERY special young lady. So proud of you Avery Grace proud of the woman you are becoming. I pray every single day for God to grow bigger and bigger in your heart, in your life.....and for Him to protect you, speak loudly to guide you. I love you baby girl to the moon and back - I love our days together.....I love the bond we share. You are such a SWEET gift in my life, in all of our lives. We can't wait to see where God takes you in the years ahead. Happy 17 sweet girl.....May God so richly bless every step you take. To the moon Avery.