Monday, August 10, 2020

Avery Days

 Sunday mornings sometimes Shawn goes and plays golf.  This last weekend, he and Chase played in a tournament.  On those early Sundays, we are blessed by having "Avery Days".  

I picked her up around 9:30.  We always go to Starbucks first thing.  This time though, I saw an "Estate sale" sign on the way to get her and we spent quite a time driving around Lakewood looking for this estate sale.  It's one of her very favorite things to do....which reminds me of a story....

When she was little bitty.....probably 4 or so, Shawn called at the last minute one day to see if Avery could stay with us for the afternoon....."did we have anything planned" - we did, but as we LOVE spending time with our grands, we told him YES and that we would take her with us.  It was a thing we did every Sunday back then.  We would look up Estate Sales - Michael would do a map - and we would go to all the sales in the big and fancy homes in North Dallas.  I loved seeing the homes as much as I did looking at all the things for sale.  Anyway, we told Avery we were going "on a treasure hunt".  We pulled up to the first house and as we were getting out of the car she tells me "Mimi, I been to this before!  This isn't a TREASURE hunt!"  Her little face was all crumpled up into a frown.  But I grabbed her hand and we went in.  I reached in my purse and gave her 3 dollars.  I told her it was time for her to hunt for her treasures and told her look around....there were SO many treasures!  Well, that little girl didn't take long....she comes running up to me with a little cat figurine and a book - "I found treasures Mimi!!"  Oh my goodness, she was SO cute and the person taking money started adding things up and it was more than her 3 bucks.....I started to grab money out of my purse and the lady says "oh no....those are treasures....and they are YOURS".  As we headed out the door, Avery goes "Mimi, are we going to look for MORE hidden treasures?"  She couldn't wait!  So Michael plugged in another address into the GPS and off we go.  Our GPS talking as we drive along, telling us where to turn etc.  From the back seat I hear "Hey Mimi, who is that?"  "That's Loretta!  She tells us which way to turn and helps us find our way to the next hidden treasures".  Avery is confused - "how does she know?"  I went into a long explanation of satellites and beams and GPS and in the middle Avery goes "Mimi, does Loretta live in heaven with God?"  

So that began the love of estate sales for Miss Avery Grace Corley!  But we found the estate sale in Lakewood last Sunday and we had so much fun walking through and looking at things....searching for treasures.  We didn't find treasures there, but the day for me was such a treasure.  We cooked lunch together.....we played Rummikube and Hand and was just a sweet day with such a sweet girl.  

The week before she came over too.....We had an Avery Day.  I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend and asked Avery to go with me.  We went into Macy's and on purpose I parked so we would go through the Junior Department on the way.....she had an upcoming trip to Michigan and I wanted to buy her an outfit for her trip.  But NO.....she wouldn't look at ONE thing.  She told me "Mimi, I would much rather get something that someone else has already worn and loved" - Thrift shops are her thing now!  That day Shawn came to pick her up and we sat outside and watched the sunset....listened to music under the gazebo....we saw a tarantula by the alley....and then as we were sitting outside, she screams and runs.  He had made his was up to our gazebo and went through mine and papa's chairs!!!  The sunset was beautiful....but the spider not so much!  Well, really and truly the tarantula was so beautiful too....just scared the bejeebers out of us!

She's told me for the last few birthdays, that all she wants is a day with us.  We go shopping and I let her pick things out - that way I will know she loves them.  Well, she told me for this upcoming birthday, she wants a day.....lunch and a day to go to estate sales and thrift shops!  Oh my little girl....she's my hippy girl now =). 

I love her so very much and I love the time I get to spend with her.  She and her papa can talk for hours about the craziest things too.  I really do think she thoroughly enjoys being with us.  

I can't wait for Avery and Addy's Camp Mimi.  I am praying we can work it in before they start back to school!  

Love my time with my grands.  It's the sweetest time EVER.  Blessed beyond measure!

So I just noticed I didn't blog about Avery's birthday celebration.....

I am so upset this video won't upload =(

Sometimes I forget about this blog.....I have lots of pics and lots of videos, but I want this on the blog too.  

Avery Grace.....Oh my goodness, my old soul.  Political, driven, creative, beautiful inside and out, compassionate, conscious of the environment, competitive, talkative, speaks her mind.....honest, oh my Avery Grace, our beautiful little gift.  We had such a fun day celebrating you!  you've made me crazy though with your eggs, no dairy, all vegan and oh how this Mimi used to love making special things for you.  It's hard now....but sometimes I try.  For Hay too....gluten free....some things we have had to throw out, but it's fun trying.  Lucky for us they have vegan bakeries that make beautiful cakes!

A special day celebrating a very VERY special young lady.  So proud of you Avery Grace proud of the woman you are becoming.  I pray every single day for God to grow bigger and bigger in your heart, in your life.....and for Him to protect you, speak loudly to guide you.  I love you baby girl to the moon and back - I love our days together.....I love the bond we share.  You are such a SWEET gift in my life, in all of our lives.  We can't wait to see where God takes you in the years ahead.  Happy 17 sweet girl.....May God so richly bless every step you take.  To the moon Avery.  


Hayden's Camp Mimi, Summer 2020

Oh my sweet Hayden Michael.

I just love having that one on one time with this sweet boy.  I love that he still gets excited about coming to Mimi and Papa's house.  

As I have done since he was so little, I placed a little note on the bed in the quest room.  It's the beginning of his scavenger hunt.  On the hunt, he finds little gifts....some of the craft supplies that we will be doing, usually a lego kit, maybe a special treat.  It's so funny.  I met Angie at Central Market to get him.  He comes running out of her car with the biggest grin on his face.  There's this other little "look" though he's itching to ask me, but trying not to.  We visit a minute and then put his things in the car, say goodbye to mom and off we go.  I barely got the car on George Bush - looking in the rear view and seeing that same look - and out it comes...."Mimi, is there a scavenger hunt today?".  I LOVE it.  I always kid with him and tell him no.  But he knows.  Only ONE time has he come for the night when there WASN;T a scavenger hunt - and that was a time when Addy came too and was last minute.  I didn't have time to do one.  Since that time, he always asks =)

That first afternoon, He helped me make tags for my Meals on Wheels peeps.  He was so sweet making them.

Another thing I love so much....these grands of mine....I think they each want to hang on to pieces of their childhood.  That makes me happy because it means they loved so much those moments.  I asked Hayden if he still wanted his pallet on the floor that night - with me sleeping on the couch - and he said without even a moments thought - YES!  I fixed his pallet all comfy with really fluffy blankets and pillows.  He asks me "Hey Mimi, where's my Spiderman sleeping bag?" - I had no idea he would want that sleeping bag.  Thankfully, I knew exactly where it was and although it was a whole lot smaller this summer, he managed to crawl inside and have me zip it up.  I also asked him that night when we had dinner - "Hayden, do you still want to drink out of your little cup?  I didn't know if you were too big for that now" - "Mimi, I want my cup and also my plate!"  When he saw how little the plate was, he said "Well, maybe I will use a real plate tonight.  Dinner might now fit on that plate!" - Papa was cooking burgers on the grill and I made French fries. sweet is that?  He remembers all the little things....and he still wants those things when he visits Mimi and Papa.  I asked him what in the world was I going to do when he was 15 or 16....would he still want to come to Camp Mimi - "Of course I will Mimi, and when I am 16, the scavenger hunt can end with a car" =)

We watched a movie that first night.  Night at the Museum.  It's a movie we watched for the first time a few Camp Mimis ago.....but he loved when the monkey that came to life pees on the guard.  Oh that boy is all boy!  

His momma told him he could bring his iPad but he wasn't allowed to ask me for it.  He spends hours upon hours on that thing....but not ONCE all weekend did he ask for it.  The next morning, I asked if he would like to get his iPad while I cooked his breakfast and he did.  But just for a short time.  He loved his breakfast....a breakfast sandwich with scrambled eggs (he helped me make), rubbery bacon (I know....but that's how he loves it) and cheese.  Then it was off to do Meals on Wheels with Mimi and Papa.  Hayden was SO kind and sweet to all the clients.  Corona virus pandemic Meals on Wheels is quite the experience!

This sweet man was kind enough to let us take a picture with him.  He's actually the father of the client.  His son Lance is special needs because of a deformity and health issues.  Lance wasn't there today.  I am sad.  I wanted Lance to meet Hayden.

There's another house on the route though that I told Hayden about before we got there.  I wanted him to be aware before we got there the circumstances of the client.  It's a horrible situation.  Will lives in a trailer home.  You have to walk through the biggest "junk yard" - full of trash and old junky things, so many cats and stuff....then the inside.  It's worse than the outside.  The floor is trashed out big time....cats, dogs, junk everywhere and nothing....I mean nothing is taken care of.  3 day old pizza sitting open on tables, stained carpet, you can't even see the floor, I just can't even explain how bad it is.  I told Hayden how blessed he be born into such a precious family....with a momma and daddy that provide for he and his sisters and love him unconditionally.  I told him not everyone is as blessed.  That sometimes the things we do in life, the choices we make,  can lead to a very different life.  That's the story of this man.  He is younger than me and all he does all day is sit in a recliner and watch TV. I am not sure of his health issues, but home health has been there and tried rehab, but Will's "want to" is just not there.  The nurse told me he has no motivation....his spirit is gone.  It makes me think, had he made different choices in his life how different his life would be.  I have tried to encourage him - I have prayed with him, but he's always so down - all the drapes drawn, just tv and half eaten food everywhere.  Breaks my heart.  I think it made an impression on Hayden.  I hope it did.  

After Meals on Wheels, we stopped by Target.  Hayden's birthday was the weekend before and we only gave him one gift.  I just didn't know what to get him so I told him we would go to Target during his Camp Mimi and let him pick something out.  He searched that store for the longest....picking this up and hauling them around the toy department only to put it back down and choose something else.  He had the hardest time making up his mind!  

These were two things he had for a long time, but then put them back, rationalizing all the way, and finally chose the thing he picked up at the very first.

He was so excited with his purchase.  He also picked up a game in the electronics was pretty expensive.  When he saw the price he put it right back.  But Mimi went and got it the next day.  I couldn't help myself!

We did a couple of crafts during Camp Mimi too.....One was tye-dyed coasters.....and then we painted rocks too.  He had fun putting together his Lego set that he got on his scavenger hunt too.  Oh,  and Hayden cooked dinner for us one night.  He said "yuck....I am touching RAW chicken!" but he was very proud of himself and the meal he cooked.  Oven fried chicken, corn on the cob and baked beans.  Every time he comes, we have corn on the cob and baked beans.  We usually get Cain's fried chicken....but not this time.  We let Hayden the Chef do the cooking!

and then our craft projects:

We had all good intentions of planting our rock creations at the town square for people to find as they walk around.....but 2 things.  One we ran out of time, but then Hayden wanted to keep all but the red one.  

It was a special time with one very special little boy.  I am so blessed to be able to have such a precious relationship with him.  We talked about Jesus a lot.  It's my prayer that this will be the year he asks Jesus into his heart.  When he was little, he knew so many bible verses and things about Jesus.  One of my favorites and I have probably blogged about this years before, but just in case, I am writing it again....because it was truly the sweetest thing ever....
He was about 3 or so....and he was at our house for his Camp Mimi.  I had my mom's piano there in the living room.  It was around Easter and at preschool, they had been talking about Easter, what happened at Easter time....about Jesus being on the cross and then his resurrection.  Anyway, I was in the kitchen cooking and I hear Hayden on the piano and he's banging it really really loud.  I ran in and told him we had to be very careful with the piano, that it was my momma's and it was very old.  He said "but Mimi, this.....(and he pounded the lower keys SO hard) is when the mean ole soldiers put Jesus on the "tross" and then he pounded ever so softly on the upper high keys and said "but Mimi, THIS is when he died for us".  Oh my goodness, I melted right there.  Tears.  This little boy just used to do things like that all the time....spouting off bible verses, immersed in the stories of Jesus and his love, the Bible.  As he's gotten older though, and especially with this pandemic and not going to church, he just seems farther away from his faith.  I talked to him about Jesus this weekend....about kindness and love and doing things for others.  I talked to him about how God gives each of us gifts to use in our lives....things that we are good at that bring us so much joy....I gave him the example of his dad....I asked him what he thought his daddy's gift might be and he couldn't say...but then I told him, it's GIVING.  I asked him if he had ever noticed how much joy is written on his daddy's face when he gives Hayden a special toy or does something special for him.  He said "mimi, my daddy gave me a lego set that costs 150.00!"  I asked him why he thought his daddy might have gotten that special toy for him - he said "because he loves me" - I told him yes....and because it brought him so much joy in giving it to him.  I told him I thought my special gift was helping the elderly and that that was why I loved doing Meals on Wheels so much.  I told him I also had a passion for cooking and that it's the way I love on people, and how I learned that special gift from my momma who did the very same thing.  I said one day Hayden, "you will realize what special gifts God has equipped you with and you will get so much happiness using those gifts!"  I think he got it.  I hope he did.  

This sweet boy has such a BIG heart.  Such a special heart.  He never fails to say please and thank you.....the last night he spent with us he came down with a horrible sore throat.  He really felt bad.  Angie suggest maybe some hot chocolate would help so I made him homemade hot chocolate.  The next morning his throat hurt so bad so I made him another cup of hot chocolate....with extra whipped cream =)
I was in the kitchen making his breakfast and after taking him his hot chocolate - after a few minutes he comes running in the kitchen and throws him arms around me and says "Thank you Mimi for making me hot chocolate".  Just the little things.....they mean so much. 

As I write this, I now have his sore throat and feel horrible.  But I don't care.  I had the sweetest time with Hayden Michael Corley

and for that I am SO grateful!

Thank You Lord for blessing me with the sweetest family ever.

P.S.  He lost a tooth while he was with us!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Have we talked about Corona Virus?

So this is probably the strangest thing our world has seen in quite some time.

Around February, we start hearing of a virus that started in China.  It's lethal.  Very contagious and hospitals are overflowing with patients with this Covid-19.  They are bringing in great big refrigerated trucks for the bodies of people that didn't make it.  Ventilators are scarce - rooms are non existent - they are actually building hospitals quickly to accommodate the need.  It's horrible.  

At the end of February or the 1st of March, we are told of a couple of cases here in the US.....mid March, as we plan for birthday celebrations for Haley, Audrey, me - we are told to self quarantine due to the rapid uptake in hospitals in the US with this awful virus.  We did get to celebrate Haley - but Audrey's didn't happen and we cancelled mine with family and mine with friends and we stayed in.  We were told the virus will stay on surfaces for if we got groceries, we had videos on FB telling us how to wipe down with disinfectant wipes every single thing we brought into our home.  

We celebrated Shawn's birthday in Frisco with the family July 12th....and Hayden's with the family on July 14th.  On Easter Sunday, we did "Drive By"s" - we hadn't seen our kids in SO long and we did the distance thing....taking the picture from 6 ft apart.

We also got to celebrate Hayden's birthday on July 14th.  A little family celebration.  Everything these days has been changed to just family.....and sometimes that's not a bad thing.  Hard for a 10 year old though.  They look so forward to having a birthday party.  I loved that he asked me to make his birthday cake....

Work places were abandoned, schools became at-home studies, parents became teachers, and families missed each other SO much.  Did I mention that toilet paper became non existent too?  Seriously?  TOILET PAPER nowhere to be found!  Not that is a catastrophe!
This was one day as we were leaving Frisco from Shawn's family birthday celebration.  When the shortage was just starting in March, Chase ordered toilet paper online.  It came in July.....TINY rolls!

Chase had to have hernia surgery during the pandemic.....crazy being in the hospital, where it's suppose so be safe....masks for everyone!

I stayed with Malcolm for a few days while Shawn went to Nevada on a golf trip.  After he got home, he so wished he had cancelled.....he said so many were not masked and stuffed into casinos there.  They didn't go inside the casinos....they stayed safe and to themselves.....thankful he got home and didn't get infected.  I had fun with our grand dog!

Our neighborhood became "Pleastantville".  I have never seen so many people, FAMILIES, all together, not on their phones, walking the neighborhood, laughing, was a regular Grand Central Station here!  We were asked to stay 6 ft when you see someone coming, you must cross to the other side of the road.  With our little Sammy, walking wasn't fun.  ALL the neighborhood dogs and owners walk morning, noon and night....and when Sammy sees another dog, it's pandemonium!  He goes crazy and charges every single do....doesn't matter how large or how mean....he attacks if allowed any leash at all.  Many of my walks have been without him - and that's sad.  But what do you do?  

So March was all about 6 feet apart, wiping down eating out - cooked a LOT - walked a LOT....then comes's even worse as far as the rate of infection.  OF course so much of it is political.  If the president would just issue a stay at home for 2 weeks for everyone, we could rid our nation of this awful virus.  June comes along and things progress at a rapid rate.  Masks are now the thing and required in many stores.  Still the 6 ft apart....the economy is tanking.  Small stores are closed.....restaurants that were a little iffy on their start have no breath now.  They are gone.  Huge amounts of money from the government are given out to small business owners as a life line.....makes me sick to think of the debt we are in....and because this thing has ramped into August, I don't see how that small amount is going to help those Shawn's, stay afloat.  EVERYONE is hurting.  SO many businesses are just dying.  It's scary.  Our investments?  I just pray every day we can hold on and ride this roller coaster.  We've lost SO much money.  

The KC family came down around Father's Day.....It was SO good to be with family.  We had THE BEST TIME in Matthew put it...."Gigi, this place is special!"  The Frisco Corley's gave papa a really special framed Cowboy picture....we got to celebrate with family which was SO needed.  I hope I will never ever take for granted time spent with the ones we love so much!

They have delayed school openings.....delayed sports.  My heart breaks for Avery and Addy....this is their senior year.  Something they have looked forward to for years and now this.  Addy might not even get to play her senior year of Volleyball.  Breaks my heart for her...and for US!  

On the subject of Volleyball....We got some GREAT news for Addy!  She committed to UNT!!  We are SO very proud of our Addyboo!  I think the smile says it all!

I feel for Angie....she's trying to keep a job, going to be a teacher again I'll bet at the first of the semester anyway.....this is just NUTS.  I have a friend whose son and daughter-in-law are in the hospital right now....expecting their 2nd baby girl.  What should be a family time of celebration and joy - nobody can be there.  Just those two.  Parents have to sit home and wait for news.  And that sweet momma and daddy?  Had to have the horrible corona virus test when they got there and have to wear masks!  

When will this end?  Turn on the news and Texas is leading the country in Covid cases and Covid deaths.  We know of friends who have lost loved ones to this virus.  Back in March, we didn't know anyone personally that had it, but we do now.  And every little sneeze or weird feeling, first thought?  I've got it.  Speaking of which....the symptoms of this virus run the gamut - breathing problem is the worst issue because most have to be on a ventilator, but others it might be stomach issues, others it might be headaches.....some have's crazy.  You just never know.  

Oh and the elderly.....the people we visit at the memory care unit....NOBODY can go in to see them!  Not even a spouse.  This has been for months now.  I cannot imagine the fear, the loneliness, the heartache.  I have thought so many times about if momma and daddy were still alive.  If I couldn't see them....lay eyes on them daily.....I don't know what we would do.  

I pray each day, we both do, that God will heal this nation.  I am reading though the Bible and I am in the Old Testament.  SO many times God's people went off the deep end....worshiped idols, sinned to the max.....just horrible things.  And at those times?  God turned his back on them....just let the sin run rampant.  Kinda like "you want to control your lives - okay, here!" and left them to their own devices.  Luckily God took pity on them and changed his mind....went back so many times and saved them.  My thought is....has He turned his back on us?  Sure enough we deserve that and MORE....this world is so evil and I live in a Christian bubble, yet I know that evil runs heavy through the nation.  Sin is rampant and I just wonder if God has turned his back on this world.  I wouldn't blame Him one bit.  As my sweet momma used to say "I don't know how God can tarry much longer" and oh the times were innocent compared to now.  

Makes me wonder too if it's close to His return?  He tells us that nobody will know the time of His a thief in the night He says.  But looking at this world.....hurricanes, earthquakes, this virus, the racial unrest in our land.....sharks in the waters where they have never been before....just weird things happening....and He said to watch for signs.....well, I am thinking these are signs!  

Am I ready for Him to return?  I sure am.....but there are members of our family who haven't accepted Him as it's my biggest prayer that those hearts that don't know Him as their Savior will soon soften and seek Him.  I want the sweet ones in my life to live with us eternally!  I pray each day too for opportunities and words to share with those that don't know Him and His saving Grace.

Crazy times here.....Scary times.  Until a vaccine comes around, I am afraid our nation will be under this pandemic for many more months.  Masks, 6 ft apart, no hugs, no in person church....everything online....this is our life right now.  It's so sad.  It's not fun at times.  But it is what it is.  I will continue to do what I can to keep us safe....I will continue to pray for our family to be safe from this horrible virus....for our friends to be safe.  

There are a few things I hope we hold on to when we finally come out on the other side of this.  Family time....those walks, getting outside....putting the phones down and really leaning in to family.  I hope we will not continue to take for granted the things we have in the past -  a Hug....a simple HUG.  Our economy and booming businesses....friends for dinner.....going to the movies....CHURCH....LIFE GROUP.....BIBLE STUDY much we took for granted and I hope if this virus does one makes us THANKFUL for the blessings God gives us!

Sammy loves this pandemic.  We are rarely gone.  Our calendar went from so busy to staying home.  He loves having us home.  

I miss the hugs.