Today as I was doing my walk....and praying - I started this for the new year....after my devotional and bible reading, I walk and pray. Getting in almost 4 miles a day which I need so desperately. Anyway, I was thinking today about my very perfect it was and how it could have been so very different had God not intervened. I am so thankful His hand plucked me from the situation I was born into and placed me in the arms of my momma and daddy....oh my goodness, how precious my life. And oh my goodness, how thankful I am.
Talk about a Leave It To Beaver childhood! No pearls for my momma except on special occasions, but all the rest. Momma took such good care of me and daddy. She worked hard....breakfast around the table each morning - and she always made it special. Not just a bowl of cereal - biscuits, sausage, and sometimes grapefruit halved in a little bowl.....and every single think she put on that table was delicious. Probably the reason I have such a passion for cooking and food now....and also the reason for the weight problem I struggle with....but I would change it for anything. As I was off to school, and daddy out the door to catch the bus for work, momma washed, cleaned, cooked, moved furniture around and she was only 5 ft tall....she amazed us both some days when we would come home and HUGE pieces of furniture would be in a different place. She ironed EVERYTHING....pillowcases, napkins.....and she had this big green bottle with a spout on the end with holes in it.....sprinkling everything, rolling it up and ironing it one by one. When I was little, she would let me do the sprinkling....and ironing the pillow cases. Homemade desserts were always a part of our dinner and lunches on the weekends. Oh and she made the best! After school and homework, I would go outside and play til suppertime. A full boat, home cooked meal every single night.....well every once in a while, TV dinners. They were the rage back then and I can only imagine such a treat for momma. That and chicken pot pies. But never just a chicken pot pie....she served it with rolls, and veggies. And dessert....don't forget dessert. Summers were heaven....I was brown as a little Spanish child - out early morning to play all day long - in for lunch and supper but back out to play til bedtime. Stinky and dirty I would come in and take my bath.....ring so bad around the tub when I got out.....but always fresh pj's and then....I can still feel and smell bed was RIGHT next to a window air unit....I would crawl in that bed....the sheets would smell of sunshine and they were SO was the coziest feeling....and the BEST sleep. I can remember fall Saturdays, daddy would have a transistor radio in the pocket of his shirt - listening to the SMU game....working outside on the house or the yard. One picture so clear in my mind is him high up on a ladder and that radio blasting the scores. He worked so hard to take care of us. I can still remember the way he smelled when he came home from work. His suit would be a mixture of city and probably cigarettes back then - not him, he never smoked, but people in the office did. But it was a smell I loved....I guess because I loved him so much. They had friends over a lot....big groups of their friends....all from church. At Christmastime, I can remember laying in my bed, the Christmas light outside my windows blinking red and green, momma playing the piano, and all their friends gathered round singing Christmas carols. Christmas morning.....oh Christmas morning....walking in and seeing all the things Santa brought me. Stockings hung on the door of the dining room....filled with nuts and fruit.....I remember the Christmas I got my new bike.....aqua with white tassels on the handbags. I remember the year I got a pogo stick....and being outside in the drive all day long jumping on it. Always....and I mean ALWAYS....even their last Christmas here on earth, ALWAYS a tree and lights and decorations. Momma loved Christmas.....and when I was really little, we always spent Christmas Day at my grandmother and granddaddy Beard's home in Rockwall. The table would be so full of the best dishes EVER in this many of our family gathered round the table. Lots of rocking on the porch after dinner....and into the evening, hearing the sounds of the country....pretending to fall asleep just so my precious daddy....all 6 ft 5 inches of him....would pick me up and carry me to the car. Goodness, I felt so safe....SO loved. One Christmas we went to Arkansas.....the only thing there....they open their gifts all on Christmas Eve.....Christmas morning came and me and daddy were SO sad. Never again we said. And never again have we opened gifts early.
As a teenager....and young adult - there are lots of things I am not proud of....but still the sweetest time growing up. My highlighted hair was not from a was from lemon juice in my hair. My tan wasn't from tanning oil was my go to. I used to roll my hair on orange juice cans....momma made all of my clothes until I was 16 and got my first job.....selling Madame Alexander dolls at Medallion store. I took my first paycheck and spent every cent of it on an outfit at Sanger Harris - blue and cream checkered pants, a cream colored long sleeved shirt and a navy blue baby doll thing that went on the top. I'll bet I wore it every couple of days! I still have my prom dress momma made....and I remember the hip hugger bell bottoms.....with the matching vest. When I was little, the striped dress with the white penifore with the big bow in the back. Momma was so talented.
I never minded being sick. Momma made you so comfortable and loved. Pallets on the sofa, toast and tea.....oatmeal and butter and sugar.....mashed potatoes....vicks on my chest and a warm wash cloth on top.....and daddy would bring me surprises on his way home from work. I remember chicken pox....I was so very sick. Daddy brought me coloring books and paper dolls. I remember fainting.....getting out of the bath and daddy carrying me to my bed. I remember the time in 7th grade, walking home from school....fell backwards and hit my head so bad. Concussion. Didn't know anything....didn't know my parents....didn't know what happened....nothing.....don't remember going to the hospital.....first thing I remember is waking up.....dark room with the lamp so dim by my bed....momma and daddy both sitting right there....holding a plate of roast and mashed potatoes trying to get me to eat. Oh my goodness how they loved me up.
Best childhood ever. Sweetest parents in the world. Thankful beyond measure!