Easter Day…..looking forward to a wonderful day with my sweet family. Today on Facebook, someone posted these words: HE LIVES, HE LIVES CHRIST JESUS LIVES TODAY…..those words took me back…..i can remember when i was a little girl….probably Hayden's age - and sitting between my momma and daddy and the words to that song coming loud and clear from both of them. My daddy's booming bass voice, and my momma's sweet voice - and with tears running down her cheeks: I SERVE A RISEN SAVIOR, HE IN THE WORLD TODAY…..I KNOW THAT HE IS LIVING, NOT MATTER WHAT MEN MAY SAY. I HEAR HIS VOICE OF MERCY, I HEAR HIS VOICE OF CHEER…..AND JUST THE TIME I NEED HIM, HE'S ALWAYS NEAR. HE LIVES, HE YIVS (AS HAYDEN WOULD SAY) SALVATION TO IMPART…..YOU ASK ME HOW I KNOW HE LIVES…..HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART!" Those might not be the exact words…..but they are pretty close. How thankful i am that God put me in the arms of those two precious souls because they led me to know and love my Lord and Savior! I thought about today…..and what it was like a few years ago…..momma would have made her famous Rudy's reds…..daddy would have had that camera around his neck and would be taking pictures with that big grin and one eye closed…..pepaw Corley would have been flirting with all the girls…..and me maw Corley….oh me maw - she would have prepared something for the boys to read…..a scripture or a verse….or a poem or often something she herself put together - and the lines would be written over and over - the letters traced many times as she read it and praised as she did so. As we would gather round and hold hands together to say the prayer…..the boys would hold hands and giggle….it never failed. I hope me maw Corley didn't think they were being blasphemous - they just couldn't help it….and if my daddy was the one to say the prayer, that voice would break as he got to the end…..tender was his heart.
I am so thankful for my family Lord…..and as some celebrate you in heaven, we celebrate You here…..and we celebrate because YOU, dear precious Lord are AYIVE in our hearts!
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