Thursday, May 14, 2015

Things i have learned....

In the last few weeks, i have experience things i never thought i would experience.....doing things i never thought i would do.....I have learned things....

1.  Life can turn on a dime.....

2.  I am stronger than i think...

3.  Michael's faith is much stronger than mine.

4.   i can stand next to my Michael at 2 in the morning, holding wires and drains and a hospital gown while he holds the urinal, and he can still make light of it.  "Honey, we are making NEW memories"

5.  Speaking and eating is a gift.....a dear gift that God created and gave us - something we take it for granted every single moment of every single day.....

6.  Our social life revolves around speaking and eating.  Every single time we get together, that's what we do!

7. We have friends that love us dearly.....they pray for us relentlessly.....they really LOVE us.

8.  Our daughter-in-law gives up HER desires and her life for ours. She would do anything - ANYthing for us.

9.  God uses horrible, awful things in our lives and makes good from them.  He will always be glorified.

10.  Our oldest son's heart is soft and tender.  He will help take care of us when we can't.

11.  We totally and utterly have no control.  There's nothing at all in our lives that WE can control.  It's ALL in God's hands.

12.  Storms come into our lives to draw us closer to mold our hearts and lives to be more like Him.

13.  Prayers can lift us from a scary situation.....they can lift fear from us....they can fill us with a security - a sureness -  that only comes from HIM.

14.  I can live on WAY less calories than what i normally consume.

15.  Michael can make light of horrible circumstances - he is my hero.

16.  Did i say i am stronger than i think?  Well, in reality, it's GOD'S strength inside me.  I am weak....but HE makes me strong.

17.  God ALWAYS answers prayers.  Sometimes though His timing is not OUR timing.  His answers are not OUR answers.  But we must TRUST Him.

18.  I hate cancer

19.  Did i say life can turn on a dime?  Yes.....and it did.

20.  I love each and every day.....i love each and every breath.....i love my husband more and more every single moment of every day....friends are is the sweetest gift....storms are not all bad....patience is not my strong suite.....but i am learning..... love is the most important thing on this earth and that true love casts out all fear.....and Christ is true love.  He fills us with TRUE love.  I could not live without HIS love in my life.  My future.....OUR future - it's all in HIS hands.

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