It's so hard when your heart hurts....and you can't do anything about it.
I tend to let my emotions rule at times and when I do that, it's not pretty - and right now, it's not pretty.
Been praying about it....missing some things in my life that used to be.
For everyone's birthday, I go back through the years of pictures on my phone and make video's. I think this year is the last year I will do them takes me days to go through all the pictures and years and then hours to put them together. I will just hang on to the ones I have made and call it good. Surely there's an easier way to do them, but I haven't found it yet!
This month, as I flipped through the years of our lives, I realized just how VERY much things have changed.....and it hurts my heart. Asking God to heal the hurt....and help me walk away from the way it used to be and find the joy that He brings as we move forward. Letting go is sometimes SO hard....but I am asking Him to help me let go and help me find the new normal.....and then to find joy in that new normal. As I read in my devotional this morning.....HE is enough. I need to find contentment again....quit focusing on what used to be and move on - with HIS joy in my heart. I need to let HIM define me and my life....not other people. I need to quit comparing and be content.
Help me Jesus....You KNOW me - inside and out and You know how messed up I can get. Help me out of the shadows and into YOUR light again.....
Help me find happy again, I pray.
James 1:17.....Lord every good gift. I pray.
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