Saturday, May 25, 2024

Text from Chase....

Got a text from Chase yesterday.  Bless his heart, he travels so much.  
So proud of him though and the job he's doing.  He loves it.  

We were in the car, headed to Lowe's and a text came in from Chase.  As I started reading it out loud to Michael, tears came and I had trouble with the words.....Michael's tummy started giggling....that's what happens when he gets emotional - I think trying not to cry.  This was the text:

Mike Bro & God talked to me just now when we were boarding... I got upgraded, 2nd row in first class and there was an elderly lady sitting in first class in the first row. The stewardess came up and asked for her boarding pass, and the elderly lady said she didn't really know what to do, she just sits down (reminded me of mema beard how she said it) Turns out she was on the very last row on the plane in a window seat, and when she was walking by me I asked if she would like to switch with me, which she did... Mike Bro was talking in my ear as clear as day... And, turned out great, as when I got back to the last row the other stewardess heard what I did and she gave me an aisle seat right behind first class Gets better, that same stewardess grabbed me, said there were 2 empty seats in first class and moved me back to first class Sent from my iPhone

Chase is almost 6Ft 4 - and he's just a wee bit claustrophobic.  To take a seat on the very last row of a plane and a WINDOW seat - HUGE give for him.  I am just so very thankful that Chase continues to listen to the Lord....that God's voice is so loud in his life.  I am thankful too, for Mike Breaux and the pictures he paints in his messages.  They STICK.  

Love you Ian Chase Corley.  We have seen God's work in your life since you were oh so young....and we are so thankful that you stay close to Him....that you LISTEN to Him. As parents - to KNOW God's hands are on your child's means the world. 

 So very proud of you Chase.  

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