Sunday, January 14, 2018

two more little things.....

i just remembered two more little things that i want to remember....

Shawn was home from bible school....they made these little churches out of cardboard and he said it was for his offering - then he asked me what offering was. I tried to explain how we give money to God through the church.....and how that money goes from the church to help others. We have talked many times about God and heaven and Jesus - and after my explanation, he goes back into his room very satisfied with the answer. In just a bit, he comes back in the living room with his little church in his hands.....and he tells me "momma, he dropped it!" - i said "What?" and he tells me again, "He DROPPED it!" I notice that his little church has pennies in it.....and then i realize what he's done. He went into his room, put the pennies into his little cardboard church and he held it up to heaven.....he was giving HIS money to God through his little church....and he let go! Oh to have the faith of a child!

Another time i was picking up glasses at an optical place.....i had three year old Shawn with me and he was cute as cute could be.....and never met a stranger. As we walked in, a lady waiting too struck up a conversation with him.....he just talked away....well, he kept talking....and she began to write in her checkbook and wasn't giving Shawn the attention he was so he got up on the couch beside her....he inched as close to her as he could and he looked up at her and said "just fine.....and how are you?" -

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